Anyway, back to the point. She immediately rectified that terrible oversight by offering to send me a bookplate. (For the uninitiated, a bookplate is basically an autographed sticker you can put in your book to instantly turn it into an autographed copy.) Through a series of confusions on my end, it took me a while to get it, but I finally got my hands on it yesterday. Except it was a them. She sent me one personalized bookplate and several others with generic greetings.

Very pleased with myself, I emailed Pat to tell her of my brilliance. She was very impressed. Okay, so she told me that's why she sent them along. So she was brilliant before me. I am still brilliant, right? (Somehow this story isn't going quite the way I meant it to.)
Anyway, I am impressed with her brilliance too. She didn't ask me to do anything, but let me think of it on my own. Now those books will sell more quickly because most people are very pleased to get a signed copy of a book. And I have stowed away another gentle marketing technique for the future. And I have an autographed copy of Lottery. Thanks, Pat.
By the way, there is still no Wikipedia entry for Patricia. Any Wikipedians around who can do something about that?
Lol! SawHeet, Janet, for you to do that for Patricia!! I do nopt have any of those but when I get some, I'm going to send you a stack!! ; )
Kimmi, it would be my pleasure. Unfortunately, they didn't have any of your books instore. :o( When I go back with the plates, I'll ask them to rectify that. If they're smart, they monitor the searches on their instore computers and use that in their ordering decisions.
And I DO think Janet is brilliant!
Thanks girlfriend!
Hi Janet, just happened upon your blog and was thrilled to find a blog so supportive of other writers...and a helpful marketing tid bit as well...duly tucked away into my future marketing scheme!
I find your blog refreshing and look forward to reading more!
Thanks Johanna! :o) I plan on turning this blog into a bit more of a writer's blog instead of the all-purpose musing about everything blog it has been, so I hope it meets your expectations.
LOL Pat. At least I rose to your level... ;o)
That IS a great idea! I probably would have eventually come to the same conclusion and felt very proud of myself for thinking of it.
Lottery is on my list to read when I reenter the real world.
You are an author's best friend Janet! I'll have to check out her books... : )
Melanie, Alex, it's worth reading, for sure.
G'day! I just linked from your comment at Book Publicity blog because i liked the common sense you brought to the discussion. And now I see a post about Lottery, so i have to say: I just love that book! My blog is about kidlit, otherwise I would have reviewed it before now and driven my followers silly with my raving.
Since you know Patricia would you please give her my one word message: MORE!
Ah, welcome, Book Chook. I can assure you Patricia is working on more, and if you'd like to keep closer tabs on her, just look further up this comment trail till you find Orion. That's her. And follow the cookie crumbs to her blog...
I frequently get accused of common sense. I have to do something about that. It doesn't sound very artistic.
Thanks, Janet!
Artistic is wonderful but I do like a refreshing blast of common sense every now and then - shoes, ships, sealing wax and cabbages underpin our lives after all.
Especially shoes. ;o)
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